« Each loaf is topped with Swarovski crystals: Zucchini Bread | Main | Made with the shavings of that silent Island Killer: Macaroons »

September 10, 2011



I just LOVE your blog. Your writing frequently makes me laugh out loud - you are a wordsmith, to be sure. Please keep writing! :)

Patricia Scarpin

As much as I am more interested in Elizabeth as far as Olsens are concerned (ha, just kidding with you, love your witty posts), I'm so intrigued by these muffins. I love the crumb on top, just enough of it so the berries can shine. Going to my to make list right now.


They look delicious!



hells yes! so happy to see a new recipe here & a muffin one at that. i'm saying that because i had a muffin disaster the other day and now i feel a bit muffin crushed. these look like a true win and quite pleasing at that.


How many does this make? It seems like maybe a lot. I've got a tailgate I've got to host coming up, need to feed a crowd.

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