This is my Arsenic-based lifeform. Awe, delight, fear. Every bite humbles you. This confection will turn you feral. Don't give me guff about how white chocolate isn't chocolate. You're right. White chocolate is a narcotic.
Order five pounds for under a hundred dollars. Order one pound for under twenty. Walk into a SEE's Candy Store near you and try a piece, for free. Walk into twenty SEE's Candy Stores, and assemble a box, in your pockets.
They let you do that, without law enforcement intervention.
Lol.. first need to go out and buy some pants with big pockets.. then the chocolate collecting shall begin :)
Posted by: hena tayeb | June 09, 2011 at 07:24 PM
is this one of those things that you bite into and then something in your brain explodes/melts (expelts?) with delight at the flavor and fat you're ingesting? because i think this might happen to me if i eat this and i don't know if my waistline will appreciate me adding another item to that list.
Posted by: potato | December 15, 2010 at 06:19 AM
i might have to figure out how to recreate these.....
Posted by: tracy | December 13, 2010 at 12:25 PM