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January 14, 2009



All of them, my favorite.


THANK YOU, folks!

Emily, I feel like we're slowly taking over, coming out of hiding and denial. And I know! I've only made the brownies so far, but I really want to make the croissants and everything. Also, the gingerbread, since you had such luck with it!

tp-vist, the land of Danish is so magical. Thank you so much.

T Bone, you know how I do. You know! I'm so glad you got it.

Stef, DO it. It really is fun and worth it - this recipe or any other.

Chelly, that is the best compliment ever.

Chelly D

I am totally drooling right now.


I am totally setting aside this weekend to try this. Years of laminated dough fear, AWAY WITH YE.

It's so on!


madness, woman!!! I think i snorted when I saw Dough, MTV Raps!

the projectivist

oh those people from the land of Danish!
i love them for their pastries
for their designer chairs.

those pictures had me forming pools of envious saliva as i imagined biting into their flaky goodness. that doesn't sound pretty and is kind of a weird compliment from someone.

but yeah.
i like the looks of 'em.


Wow. Super, super impressed. Just the thought of the recipe in the Tartine cookbook is enough to give me hives. Oh, and shout out from another hand-mixer-not-stand-mixer kitchen!

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