So friends. The other day I was perusing Holly's site, and she posted a link to a story of a family and their little girl that broke my heart. I'll let you read the full story, and I think you should, and then you can decide what to do from there.
Also, there is a documentary available OnDemand (HBO) right now called Autism: The Musical and you should watch it, not because you were bored on a Wednesday afternoon last week like I was, but because it will break your heart in a completely different way and showcase a lot of humanity not often associated with one of those Hot Buzzwords people on the news are always talking about. It will also remind you what the people of Bunim-Murray are capable of doing when not shooting drunk people in poly-satin collecting fishbowls.
And finally, I am still too sick to go outside and play with you. So sad. But soon. We'll vandalize like our names are Fat Tony and Lil' Scoot.
Can barely watch shows of that nature or read stories about babies such as Emily. We spent our fair share of time at our Children's Hospital. Even when your own situation is bad (try sitting through open heart surgery on your baby), you see worse. Ever grateful for the wonderful caregivers of the sick and there are such special people who are made to work with sick children and their families. The Internet, while a great place for anonymous people to show their worst, is also full of warm, caring people. I bet Emily's family will be surprised at the support from strangers in the world. Many prayers for Emily and her family.
Posted by: Miss Sassy | April 11, 2008 at 03:40 PM
Love, love, loved the Autism special on HBO. Cried my eyes out. And then some.
Posted by: Jen | April 07, 2008 at 05:26 PM