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February 28, 2008



Whole Foods has them - they're the italian yogurt - Spega brand - 6 pots at $3.69 per pack.


One more - I managed to track these down (complete with delicious vanilla yoghurt) - does anyone know if these are ok to go in the oven?


Does anyone know the brand of this yoghurt?(Wende?) I'm in Amsterdam and have always wanted these, hoping they might be here?


I don't know how many you need or if you would want used, but I have a small stash of French glass jars like the one in your photo and I'd be happy to send them to you. :D


Emily, Lillian and Shayna, thank you guys so much for the name and Trader Joe's pointers. I am so on it.

Shannon, that site just ate my face whole. I LOVE JARS.

Kirstin, close! I really like that they don't have the grids/rims that baby food jars have, though, so that was why I was a little Obsessive Compulsive in finding out the name/maker.


yep, spega yogurt from TJ's.



those yogurt jars do indeed come from trader joes. it's called spega yogurt. i think they sell them at whole foods too. i turned mine into tealight holders.


maybe Weck canning?



It looks like a baby food jar to me.


I think the glass jar form comes at Trader Joe's (ginger cinnammon, mmm). Or you can get yogurt in little terracotta jars from Saint Benoit.

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