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September 13, 2007



I have loved Etsy from afar and for the same reasons. I too get overwhelemd on HOW to find stuff, so thanks for the shout out for tips. I bet lots of us can use them.


these are the only things i've ever bought on etsy. cause they're cute and cheap, which is what i look for in every aspect of my life. and the seller was really nice, included a handmade button and note inside saying thank you.


etsy rules and so does this blog.

Miss Sassy

Nice choice from Etsy. I buy craft magazines and fabric usually, but do happen to buy other things like great tags from everyjotandtittle:


I bought a stuffed pear (the pattern for which is now featured in a sewing magazine) from StacySews:


I had a custom medical ID tag made by Rachael Sudlow though she has much cooler stuff:


It is difficult to shop on Etsy. I tend to fall into things by reading other blogs. I'm hoping to sell some items I sew there soon including Lavender Sachets. Nice seller to give you one free with your order!

Miss Huckleberry

I always discover things when they first come out, then immediately wipe them from my mind until it explodes and I'm the last one to get on the bus. I've been slowly getting into it, i.e. browsing but not buying so I'm glad you asked for tips because 900 pages takes a long time to click through.

I like your suggestion to do the X-mas shopping on Etsy. I'll finally get to order something and not have to feel guilty for shopping for myself. Not only did I about die laughing when I read "I don't think Grandmas show that much love." but I totally agree. Bix box companies suck. (Except for Amazon- my love.)


Okay seriously... I love reading your blog. It is so hilarious.

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