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September 11, 2007



Thanks guys!

Cakespy, I enjoyed mine with some Ligonberry jam -- they were crazy fantastic.

Fancypants, they are very much like a cream scone/scone. Another one of those Euro/US language wonders, where your "biscuits" are cookies over here, and scones are most often triangular, crumbly and often packed with oats or fruit. Meanwhile, what a lot of people outside of the US call a scone, are what we call biscuits. Crazy times.


Is it just me, or do those 'biscuits' look a lot like what I call scones?

Miss Sassy

Thank you for letting me know more about the cultured butter. I thought perhaps it was more classy than the other ones... ;-)

I will look for it now because I have to try this recipe!!


These biscuits look amazing and alluring, as beautiful alone as with a savory dish. I wonder how they would taste with jam too?


Sassy, those biscuits looks fantastic. Cultured butter is something that I heard of, picked up when I saw it at my local market, and I love it -- it's like Butter to the Max. A richer, creamier flavor and texture , that elevates the salt.
There is a little information on it under Types of Butter, in that article.

A good substitute (besides your favorite brand of butter) would be a Straus Creamery, Lurpak, Plugra or even Challenge European-Style butter.

Miss Sassy

YUM! I have a great recipe for Buttermilk Biscuits (as pictured here: http://sassypriscilla.typepad.com/sassy_priscillas_craft/2007/03/mmmm_biscuits.html) but I may just need to try this recipe. However, I feel silly asking - what is cultured butter?

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