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July 05, 2007



Oh, a trick for keeping the sauce smooth! I am going to try it tonight. (I love Barilla Plus too... it's supposed to be healthier for you, but I just think it has a really nice flavor.)


Lovely! Softer cheese keeps the sauce from breaking, who knew?! Well...you did obviously, thanks for spreading the good word!


Yummy looking mac! Ok, not to make you jealous, but my daughter is attending a 3 week summer dance intensive at Point Park University in Pittsburgh. This week, NEIL, from "So You Think You Can Dance" (see bio at): http://www.fox.com/dance/bios/16-haskell.htm was there visiting & taking a couple classes. A friend took got a picture of her with him and we are waiting for her to send to us when they return home after the camp is over....woohoo!


Yummy, I love baked macaroni and cheese. You could make it a smidge more healthy by using Barilla Plus. I love those noodles they are impossible to not be able to cook al dente.

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