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July 18, 2007



Wow, what a great narrative. And the bread looks delish.


YUM! I will make this tomorrow afternoon (with a margarita).


Otto, you're fantastic. I'm hoping you're the president of the Abigail Breslin Fan Association, and that's why that particular line assaulted you among the many other stupid lines, and that you'll also come back to spit some more hot insults, volume two, Street Mix Tape. Feel free to e-mail them to me, too. Otto-rageous.

Lori, Miss T, Patricia, thank you as always.


"Swimming in the plasma of Dakota Fanning?"

That's just stupid.

Miss T

Oh Lord, you need to have the ambulance waiting outside when you make that recipe. Sounds too fabulous.

Patricia Scarpin

I'm drooling over my keyboard, L. - lucky me my boss hasn't arrived yet!
This looks incredibly delicious - I'll be making it next weekend, tops.


Seriously, that is too funny! I love your recipes and your writing.

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