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July 02, 2007



I think I'm going to make this filling and if I don't pass out from sugar shock, I'll give my oatmeal cookies something to sing about. They're just sitting around as singles and this filling will turn them into couples!


I just went back to read over some of your past posts and this particular one just cracks me up - baby skulls & bomb shelters. You are one sharp girl! I Love your blog ...and your recipes

Stephanie A Nielson

are those like the classic homemade oreos?


Lovelies, thank you!

Peggasus -- I hope they meet your standards! I was kind of bummed, because I love a Little Debbie Oatmeal pie and I was hoping to recreate that filling, but no luck. Sometimes a lady just needs Crisco.

Mercedes, your island sounds heavenly. I am so jealous. I'm coming to steal your island, right now.

Jerry, marshmallow can be nice when the time is right, but I agree -- if you do try this recipe, don't worry, the filling tastes more like really airy frosting.

Mallow, thank you! I hope it works for you!

Patricia, totally. I had guests that night, and all but one of the smaller ones was gone by the end of the night. So much better that way.

Anuhea, thank you!


Simply classic...those look so delish!

Patricia Scarpin

I've read so much about whoopie pies I should give them a go. I'll wait for a day when my 13-year-old sister had a day with her friends, so I can spread the calories around. :)


I have been wanting a replacement for shortening and marshmallow based recipes for fluffy filling! They are impossible to find and I wasn't brave enough to do it on my own. Yours looks perfect. It is now on my To Do List! Thank you!


Never had a Whoopie Pie. Actually come to think about it I don't think I've ever had a Moon Pie. I'm never one for marshmallows. I'm probably the only person who really has no interest in S'mores. Oh well, more for others.


I hadn't thought about Whoopie pies in years....I remember my aunt making them one time we visited when I was about 5 years old....like I said, ages and ages ago. Thanks for the full out belly laugh on the description of the first batch "being larger than an infant's skull" LOL!


I am currently on an island in the remote Atlantic where food pickings are slim, and come mainly in the form of canned tomatoes and spaghetti. For dessert, there's a place that sells homemade ice cream and whoopie pies. Seriously, a dessert I never would've eaten otherwise. It's only now that I've come to appreciate the whoopie pie, so your timing is perfect!


This was one of the first things I ever learned to bake, when I was about 10, and would pour all over my mother's cookbooks looking for recipes to try. My (three) brothers would gobble them up just as fast as I could make them.

Now we know all about trans-fat and shit, but sometimes Crisco just hits the spot. I am now happy to have a less artery-clogging (but no less caloric) version to try. Whoopie!

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