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July 09, 2007



All of you -- Quimby Club meeting tonight, 8:30. Whopper Burger. Maybe we'll make some cornbread with banana yogurt for dessert.

Deb -- I love you too, for the millions of grams and ions of awesomeness you display on your site on a daily basis. And I don't think I can handle a changed Ramona. Trashcans will be lit on fire if they changed the interior illustrations, too.

Rachael, I don't think there could be another Beezus a dog could be named after that would be quite so worthy.

Blue, YES. God, I was so worried people would think I was borderline with this post. We unite, dude. We unite.

Magpie, seriously, BSC is back, like skinny jeans and jellies. 2008 is actually the summer of 1998. There will be plenty more discussion, spurred by the site I linked above, which I love so much I can't take it.

Patricia, I LOVED the almond-cherry version -- my friends and family preferred the blackberry, non-almond meal one, but the almond one was addictive. I couldn't stop.

Kickpleat, for sure!

Elissa, thank YOU.


How sad for me. All of the above girls have cute comments about books and fantasies (I love those references too) but the part that I relate to on the most gut level was your description of smelling the fruit. I can't get enough. Ever.


though I've been enjoying your blog since I happened upon it, oh, I don't know...a few wks ago... today, I think you actually found a favorite place in my quimby-loving heart. thanks.


mmmm....cherries and cake. perfect!


A wifey daydream, I don't think I've had one of those. Or at least not one I remember. But the cake looks delicious!

Patricia Scarpin

I love baking with almond meal - the result is always delicious, moist cakes that are hard having only one slice of.

This is even better, cherries are fantastic!


Can we just talk about the Babysitters Club for a sec? You just tossed that on in and thought no one would notice? I have to admit as an avid childhood reader I TOTALLY avoided the BSC for the lovely Girls of Canby Hall. Do you know why an adult is writing TODAY about that series? Crazy?!!

btw love your site.


OMG! Now I have a name for it...and in my little sicko fantasy world...I am perpetually pregnant, laying on our perfect cotton eyelet day bed in the Summer afternoon waitng for my Marine Luitenant husband to come home. By the way, IRL I have no maternal instinct and actively dislike children of any age. There must be a pill for this.

rachael m.

After I saw the asterisk next to the first mention of Beezus, I literally HELD MY BREATH in anticipation as I scrolled down to see the note, HOPING DESPERATELY that you meant THAT Beezus. Not disappointed. Omg.


All other awesomeness aside (and there is a lot of it), I absolutely love you for the Beezus reference. I've never gotten over that they've changed the way Ramona looks in newer editions.

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