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June 26, 2007





You are my new favorite blog.


Faith, number one, thank you for the recipe. Number two, who isn't into Goats Milk these days. It's all about experimentation in our twenties. Number three, I am flattered that you commented on my site, and also thank you for featuring the banana cake on AT: The Kitchen a bit ago. I can't wait to try the recipe.

Aoife, I am straight-up wussified when it comes to that method. I'm very intrigued by it, but much like bonfires in abandoned lots, I only daydream about it.

Jerry, it is normally such good stuff, so I was bummed when it wasn't up to snuff -- if you do make the cake for her, I hope she enjoys it and I hope that it turns out well!

Lisa, way to make my morning. Thank you so much for the kind words!


I just found your blog and I find your descriptions/captions under the pictures HILARIOUS! I can't cook/bake worth a darn, but I'll definitely check back just to read your humor!


I have a friend who's favorite cake is Dulce de Leche, personally, I'm not a fan, but she loves it. And for her next birthday or celebration, I'll making this for her.
Oh and I always have a bowl of ice water on hand! Because I'm always burning myself!


Have you tried making dulce de leche? I've made it by boiling cans of condensed milk, but it's hard to tell how far along it is until you open the can.


Ack - too bad about the dulce. It really is best made from scratch, and this is not difficult at all. I will go right straight ahead and flog an old post of mine here: http://kitchen.apartmenttherapy.com/food/diy-recipe/diy-recipe-dulce-de-leche-012558

Homemade dulce is the best - try it with goat's milk, if you're into that sort of thing...

This cake looks absolutely fab! Caramel needles and all.


Patricia, thank you! I LOVE Dulce de Leche -- this brand/can just tasted a little "off" to me, which was the dissapointment. Otherwise, Dulce de Leche is my number one pal.

Patricia Scarpin

Hey, L., this cake is fabulous!

It's a pity you didn't like the dulce de leche - I love it. We use it quite a bit here in Brazil.

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