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May 25, 2007



I made these once and fell head over heels for them...so rich but so good!


Love those wrappings on the brownies! Parchment paper and twine. My favorite for flowers & food:)!


I love that you cut back on the butter- someone really needs to reign in Ina Garten and her fats. With all those types of chocolate, they've gotta be good.


Hey dudes -- Fanny, I'm so flattered you commented on my site because your site is outrageously well written and put together. I hope, if you make these, that they meet your standards!

Patricia, they're totally crazy-good.

Smitty, you are too much, too full of kindness. Thank you. And Jonestown is universal. Uni-VERSAL.


hmmmm i am soooo bookmarking the recipe
these brownies look delicious

- fanny

Patricia Scarpin

These brownies are decadent - I had lunch and didn't have any dessert, I want these now!


How can someone 12 years younger than me make all the same references? Hooray for Jem Earring Brownies! Hooray for Ina Garten! And double-chocolate chip hooray for you. You never fail to make me smile.

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