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April 29, 2007



I love Little Debbie oatmeal creme pies- I was only allowed to get them on road trips, and as far as I knew they only existed at highway truckstops, which was probably a good thing. Big, soft, smushy, totally synthetic things. I am going to have to try these!

Patricia Scarpin

Hey, L. , great hearing your dog is better!! Yay!!

These cookies are wonderful - what's not to like about them? And not tempering chocolate is always a plus - having made more than 50 Easter chocolate eggs, I know it can be sooooooo tiring.

Tks for sharing the recipe, love the photos as well.


I am so glad that your dog is ok! I've been there. Little Debbie oatmeal cream cookies are my weakness too. So.very.good.

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